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Carta de la IUPAP al Presidente Macri

Compartimos la nota enviada por el Presidente de IUPAP (Unión Internacional de Física Pura y Aplicada), al Presidente Macri y a las autoridades argentinas en Ciencia y Técnica, acerca de los recortes presupuestarios en Ciencia y Técnica en nuestro país.

Dear President Mauricio Macri and the Argentine Authorities in Science and technology,

On behalf of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) we write to ask you to earnestly consider the effects of large budget cuts for Science research in Argentina.  Please find attached an official letter from the President of IUPAP, communicating the concerns of the members expressed at the recent Council and Commission Chairs meeting in Lithuania.

We look forward to your acknowledgement of receipt and considerable action in the concerned.


Maitri Bobba

On Behalf of IUPAP President, Professor Kennedy Reed

IUPAP Letter to Argentina