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At the Frontiers of Condensed Matter VII – FCM2024 – THIRD CIRCULAR

This is the third announcement of the workshop FCM2024 that will be held in Buenos Aires on December 18th-20th. We are pleased to inform you that the abstract submission is now open.

Instructions can be found in the website:

We hope to be able to offer financial assistance in the coming months to local people. Due to the current uncertain economical situation we cannot guarantee this for the moment. Those interested in participating should not hesitate to register and contact the organizing committee in case they need economic support.

Reminder of important dates:

Early registration: 13th May – 21st October
Late registration: 22th October – 18th December
Abstract Submission: 1st July – 30th September
Notification of acceptance: 15th October

We are pleased to announce the XI Workshop on Novel Methods for Electronic Structure Calculations (XIWNMESC), which will take place virtually on December 16 and 17, prior to the FCM. This event will feature presentations by renowned speakers on topics closely related to the FCM and with great joy will join the FCM to celebrate Ana María Llois scientific career. The FCM organization plans to allow attendees to watch the XIWNMESC talks from the Emma Perez Ferreira auditorium, an occasion that will foster debates and discussions about the oral presentations.

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