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School on Synchronization: from collective motion to brain dynamics

Synchronization is one of the fundamental phenomena in complex systems and nonlinear dynamics. There are a large number of systems where synchronization is an important effect and we shall focus on two of them: a) mobile systems: the emergence of coordinated movement in space and time without an apparent controller; b) the Janus-faced nature of synchronization in brain dynamics, or how synchronization impairs and drives the brain, and the importance of physics for the prediction of epileptic seizures.

The school will cover: a general introduction to synchronization phenomena; systems where spatial and temporal synchronization occur simultaneously, as observed in sperm cells, starfish embryos and swarmalators in general; introduction to epilepsy and seizure dynamics; seizure prediction methods: modern nonlinear models for the detection and forecasting of dynamical transitions from time series; challenges and opportunities for more efficient data analysis.

The event will also include a workshop on the weekend of February 8-9 covering current research in the field.

This school is part of the Topics in Nonlinear Science: Fundamentals and Applications.

There is no registration fee and limited funds are available for travel and local expenses.


Hitten Zaveri (Yale University, USA): Monitoring the brain in epilepsy and Controlling seizures
Fernando Peruani (Cergy Paris University, France): Emergence of order in active matter: From synchronization of moving oscillators to collective motion
Arkady Pikovsky (University of Potsdam, Germany): Synchronization phenomena in oscillator networks
Maria Del Carmen Miguel Lopez (Barcelona University, Spain): Collective motion and decision making in the dynamics of social animals and robot swarms
Christian Meisel (Charité–Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany): An introduction into epilepsy and Long-range correlations in the brain and their implications for seizure forecasting
Ulrike Feudel (University of Oldenburg, Germany): Critical transitions in complex dynamical systems: theory and implication for neuroscience and Metastability and transient dynamics in neuroscience

Application deadline (school): November 23, 2024

Registration deadline (workshop): December 14, 2024

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